5.7.0 (2024-12-31)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useLodash: new Function (0a416d2)
5.6.0 (2024-12-31)
5.5.4 (2024-08-12)
5.5.3 (2024-06-12)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useDayjs: new Function (e9d4dd9)
5.5.2 (2024-01-24)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- node module path error (a548889)
5.5.1 (2024-01-12)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
5.5.0 (2023-12-12)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- handle docs building error (eedad0f)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
5.4.0 (2023-10-19)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useIsSameMonth: new Function (c0e3d0e)
5.3.2 (2023-08-25)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- add VPTeamMembers component (b369bc6)
- optimize dark mode scrollbar style (cbbab1a)
- overwrite scrollbar style (c47dc98)
5.3.1 (2023-05-24)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- handle actions error (7902a25)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useLocalStorage: new Function (6940f8a)
5.3.0 (2023-03-30)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- add lastUpdated config (841df0e)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useGetBrowserInfo: new Function (2b32092)
- useIsValidDate: new Function (c0df1ff)
- useRandomHexColor: new Function (c53b70b)
- useRandomString: whether string supports guaranteed numbers (01dcdde)
5.2.0 (2023-02-22)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- github-actions execute error (4411a00)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useGetLocalKey,useSetLocalKey,useClearLocal,useRemoveLocalKey: new Function (5bbebaa)
- useOnce: new Function (d51265e)
5.1.0 (2023-02-13)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- useDebounce execute immediately issue (1e087af)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- supplement content about CDN to use form (2622fd4)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useCalendarSwitch: new Function (b115b44)
- useCheckPasswordStrength: new Function (470590c)
- useScrollToBottom: new Function (5e33dc2)
- useToggleFullScreen: new Function (d0180c9)
5.0.1 (2023-01-16)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- create-hook cli error (2e24d93)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useDynamicLoadScript: new Function (8585506)
- useFormatDate: support number time stamp (860f3c4)
- useScrollToElement: new Function (f683641)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- add introduction of CND form to import package (7613c2a)
5.0.0 (2023-01-07)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useDelEmptyValue: new Function (87ccdd2)
- useDownloadFile: remove a node after downloading file (1e62892)
- useRecursionDelete: new Function (42d0ed9)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- add a Modules nav bar and put Function Modules (d531974)
- modify Get Started docs content (93208a3)
- modify way of statistics hooks number (88d2597)
- prefect vitepress docs config (3c1f353)
5.0.0-1 (2022-12-23)
✨ Features | 新功能
- modify build package way and import form (a7d75d9)
5.0.0-0 (2022-12-23)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- modify devFunction Introduce content (76881dc)
✨ Features | 新功能
4.2.0 (2022-12-21)
✨ Features | 新功能
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- algolia: add docs search function (884ccaf)
4.1.1 (2022-12-16)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- docs publish fail of github action (540cb91)
4.1.0 (2022-12-16)
✨ Features | 新功能
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- collect @flypeng/tool hooks function num (09d77b9)
- modify content about contribution file (7e12968)
- show CHANGELOG at docs (623e54e)
4.0.1 (2022-12-12)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useListenNetwork: useListenNetwork optimization (98c1d05)
4.0.0 (2022-12-07)
✨ Features | 新功能
- subpackage dev and divied into @flypeng/browser package and @flypeng/node package (7792176)
3.0.1 (2022-12-07)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- solve docs build appear error of import node packages (16c4f54)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useGetCurrentDirectory: rename useGetCurrentPath (2ff9afd)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- appear vitest v0.25.5 version process don't ending and reduced version to v0.25.3 (0596fb3)
3.0.0 (2022-12-06)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
✨ Features | 新功能
- add Node module and add three hooks functions of node (fb90625)
- isWechatBrowser: new Function (faf59da)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- execute pnpm release command error (d745b75)
2.3.0 (2022-11-29)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useCustomContextMenu: new Function (388fc28)
- useObjectIsEmpty: new Function (b8d7f69)
- usePageTabSwitch: new Function (1720cb7)
- usePreventSeeSourceCode: new Function (1372d88)
2.2.0 (2022-11-18)
✨ Features | 新功能
- modify function name, useCopy to useCopySelector (dfbdd8b)
- useCommonType: add isRegExp function (b5443a6)
- useDeepClone: new Function (1bf9f48)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- useCopyContent: new Function (fca7181)
2.1.0 (2022-10-15)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useAddDateDay: new Function (48bfa2d)
- useCommonDate: useGetFirstDay、useGetLastDay (0b4d919)
- useDifDaysValue: new Function (2c96a55)
- useFormatDate support deliver Date type (8d726ae)
- useTransformCase: new Function (b98dbd2)
2.0.1 (2022-09-29)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
- useFormateDate: delete console (7e2a132)
2.0.0 (2022-09-24)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- 修改文档主题 (e96b34f)
- change light theme (4578f60)
- change useCheckIncludeNumber error (241fd84)
- useCommonType add Type Declaration (77b9cf1)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useCheckIncludeEmoji: new Function (227fa36)
- useCommonDate: useLeapYear to useCommonDate (2ddcbe7)
- useCopy: new Function (6c22ec0)
- useDownloadFile: new Function (5508eb2)
- useDownloadFile: use Blob to download file (6ea740e)
- useFormatDate: new Function (2c46a73)
- useLeapYear: new Function (57be3c9)
- useMonthNumber: new Function (a67056d)
- useNumberSeparate: new Function (188963f)
- useTodayWeek: new Function (7447d56)
1.4.2 (2022-09-11)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- 修改在线演示,使用@vitepress-demo-preview插件 (154080b)
✨ Features | 新功能
- improve useDebounce Function (d845707)
- improve useThrottle Function (9d02fca)
- useMobileDevice: new Function (49d7aa0)
1.4.1 (2022-08-19)
✨ Features | 新功能
✏️ Documentation | 文档
1.4.0 (2022-08-10)
🐛 Bug Fixes | Bug 修复
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- add contributing article (20f82cb)
✨ Features | 新功能
- useCheckEmailUrl: new Function (f7611fb)
- usecheckidcard: new Function (1f6d412)
- useCheckIncludeChinese: new Function (bec9adb)
- useCheckIncludeNumber: new Function (27d743c)
- useCheckPhoneNumber: new Function (920eb99)
- useCheckQQNumber: new Function (ad67cd7)
- useDataType: new Function (57ce3e0)
- useIsBrowser: new function (9377309)
1.3.0 (2022-07-28)
✏️ Documentation | 文档
- 修改文档相关样式。站点图片,代码块 (8b9ce96)
- add function source code github link (06381b1)
- Get Started Perfect (1680d65)
- script/dosc.ts: auto generate docs sideBar script file (b3fafc0)
✨ Features | 新功能
- 更改包名为 WebTool,初始化文档 docs (fef60a8)
- 删除 core 模块,添加 Number Functions 模块 (189e1ea)
- add .versionrc.json file (2a4084a)
- add Dev Function article (b414f5d)
- add eslint and prettier (0b51cf9)
- add vitest frame and useRandomInteger function (9b1eb03)
- config husky lint-staged commitlint commitizen (b3157e6)
- creat deply-docs actions (11742fc)
- create script/release.ts to auto release (b5e6b27)
- delete esbuild build tool (d25b0ba)
- feat unbuild tool (97b10f7)
- first publish ytooluse and @ytooluse/core packages (7819724)
- init ytools (b1d435f)
- initial (6442b64)
- integrate rollup bundle tool (e8c112f)
- integrate workspace and add example list (eb7145d)
- package name is @flypeng/tool (cf086c9)
- useDataSensitive: new Function (2076cba)
- useGetUrlParam: new Function (76c2dcf)
- useIsMobile: new Function (0d9b51d)
- useLocationInfo: new Funtion (d2ca0fd)
- useRandomString: new Function (a87eb86)